Mid-Summer Reunion to be announced.

Home >  Mid-Summer Reunion to be announced.

 Everyone is welcome, especially friends and graduates of Delone Catholic High School. 

 Sponsored by  The John Gastley Scholarship Foundation (TJGSF).

We are meeting at Gettysburg Eddies, 217 Steinwehr Ave, Gettysburg.

You can eat and relax from 11:00 to 9 PM, knowing that the JGSF gets 10% of the day’s proceeds. It’s also Wing Night. Who doesn’t love wings?

From  4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, the upstairs is open for fellowship and Small Games of Chances.  Meet and support the board, committee members, current and past  Scholarship Winners, and other supporters like yourself.  

We are honored to spend time with you and your family. 

© 2024 The John Gastley Scholarship Foundation